Introducing Natasha Gibson to our Group Marketing Team!

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Since Natasha joined us at the end of last year, we have been continually impressed by her creativity and willingness to dive into new challenges, making her an invaluable part of our Marketing team already.

Read on to find out more about her...

How have you found Sort Group so far?

I’ve been loving my time at Sort Group! It is such a nice work environment to be in and everyone is incredibly kind and welcoming, which has made settling in so much easier. One of my favourite things about working at Sort is that every day is different, so I’m always learning something new while being part of such a supportive team. 

What attracted you to going down the apprenticeship route?

I chose to go down the apprenticeship route because it provides the experience of learning and developing new skills whilst gaining a hands-on experience within the marketing industry.

What did you do before joining Sort?

Before joining Sort Group, I worked at Vodafone as a senior sales advisor.

Why did you want to take up a career in marketing?

Since I can remember, I have always been a creative person, which is why marketing felt like the perfect career for me. I love designing and coming up with new ideas and marketing provides all these opportunities, plus more. It’s a field that I’m passionate about and with the industry constantly evolving, I find it exciting as it allows me to grow both personally and professionally which is exciting!

Tell us something only a few people know about you…

Not much…I think I’m quite an open book, so once you get to know me, you will know everything about me. But for those who don’t, I do a lot of freelance photography, and I’m a big horror fan!

Describe your dream day off…

Depending on my mood, it would either be chilling in bed binge-watching a good TV show or going out on a hike and taking photos.

How would your friends and family describe you?

All good things I’d hope!

A genie grants you one wish, what do you wish for?

To have an unlimited amount of money so I can travel the world.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

As of right now, I’m really happy with where I am; just focusing on learning and growing in my current role. In 5 years, I hope to have developed my skills further so I can contribute effectively to my team and take on more responsibility. I’m so excited to see where this journey takes me!